Wait, what day is it?
22 April, vs. Baltimore
Threatening weather at the Stadium, which can only mean one thing: Accu-Kay Weather updates on the 2's, 4's, 5's, 6's, and 8's. The game starts on time, but Kay can't stop worrying about the forecast: "They say there's a three hour window to get this game in." Fingers crossed....
FMK's covered this before, but Kay's ego has reached new heights: four self-identifications in four innings. Apparently such frequent announcements wore on Kay today. Self ID #4: "Along with Jim Kaat and Kenny Singleton, I'm Michael Kay. Blustery Wednesday afternoon-- EXCUSE ME, I mean Saturday afternoon." Strike one, Michael. FMK checked, and don't worry, Saturday still comes after Friday.
Kay's terrible timing extends beyond his struggles with the day of week. After Singleton describes how the rainwater is collected and reused to water the infield on sunny days, Kay chimes in with "I guess it's good to the last drop, then."
Swing...and a miss. Strike two.
Seconds later, Kaat brings up the aforementioned* "weather window," remarking that, as the rain begins to fall, "the window is almost closed."
"It's shut. It caught my finger." Hi-larious.
Strike three.
* © 2006 Michael Kay. This word cannot be reproduced or re-transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the aforementioned Michael Kay.
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